Our Beliefs
As a diverse faith community, we empower each member of our community to come to their own understanding of and relationship with God. However, we are also a community that continues in a long faith tradition and as such we have a foundational set of beliefs that most of us share.
You don’t need to agree with all of these beliefs to worship with us, but you should at least be comfortable with them.
We believe in God, who is Love, Light, Truth, and Spirit, the Creator of the universe, whom we are called to seek, know, and love; and whose nature was revealed to the world in the person and teachings of Jesus of Nazareth.
We believe that the universal commandment is to love and serve one another as we love ourselves.
We believe in the law of justice by which actions generate consequences, whether to be manifested in this life or the life to come; and that love, grace and forgiveness ultimately overcome the law of justice.
We believe in the full and final triumph of the grace of God over the powers of sin and death: that the mercy and forgiveness of God are victorious; that this victory of redemption is revealed in the life, death and resurrection of Jesus; and that, therefore, no human being will be condemned or allowed to suffer pain and separation forever.
We believe every person is the divine offspring of God, created in the image of the Heavenly Parent of all; and that every person is destined to be raised up from imperfection to maturity according to the pattern of the archetypal Christ, the Son of God, the Perfect Human in whose image all humanity shall be transformed.
We believe in mysterious spiritual phenomena, such as the resurrection of Jesus Christ, which transcend materialistic views of reality.
We believe that God’s Holy Spirit has inspired numerous prophets, saints, philosophers, and mystics throughout history, in a variety of cultures and traditions; and that by reading the Bible (the authoritative textual basis of our faith) and other great texts of spiritual and moral wisdom with a discerning mind, and meditating to connect to the Spirit within, we may all gain a greater understanding of truth, which should be applied for the betterment of ourselves and our world.
Just as Jesus welcomed everyone to his table, so we too welcome everyone to worship with us and to be a part of our community regardless of their race, gender, gender identity, age, class, nationality, political affiliation, sexual orientation, physical or mental ability, or any other characteristic of human diversity.
adapted from: Community Universalist Church
©2022 Restoration Church @SanctuaryOnSixth, 485 Lowery Street, Cleveland, TN 37311