Richard Rohr’s Daily MeditationFrom the Center for Action and Contemplation Week Forty-Four: Loving God through Creation Community of Creation Theologian and Cherokee descendant Randy Woodley considers how the Bible offers …
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Following Jesus’ Way – Richard Rohr
Richard Rohr’s Daily MeditationFrom the Center for Action and Contemplation I believe that we rather totally missed Jesus’ major point when we made a religion out of him instead of …
Richard Rohr Daily Meditation: God’s Loving Justice
Week Forty-Two: Love and Justice God’s Loving Justice God’s power for justice is precisely God’s power to restore people when they are broken or hurt. God uses their mistakes to …
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John 17:20-23
I’m praying not only for themBut also for those who will believe in meBecause of them and their witness about me.The goal is for all of them to become one …
If you see something, say something
If you see something, say something; don’t let that,”no snitching “ BS ruin your community, ghettos aren’t built, they are formed when we allow criminals to take over and we …
Mark 4:21-25
Jesus said to his disciples, “Is a lamp brought in to be placed under a bushel basket or under a bed, and not to be placed on a lampstand?For there …
Open House – Oct 30!
You are cordially invited to our Open House on October 30, 2021. Stop by between 10 am and 5 pm to see what is new! Refreshments served.